We want our customers to have the best training to stay on the cutting-edge of product knowledge, technical knowledge and business operations knowledge. BRCC has its own regional training centers conveniently located in Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina and South Carolina.

Training and Support to help you strengthen your business

Training and Support to help you strengthen your business.

We want our customers to have the best training to stay on the cutting-edge of product knowledge, technical knowledge and business operations knowledge. BRCC has its own regional training centers conveniently located in Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina and South Carolina.

Working With You To Make This Industry Better

Upcoming Events

AkzoNobel Acoat Selected Online Training Now Available

We are pleased to announce the introduction of Acoat Selected online training modules! Now you can continue to develop your team members, and your customers, without leaving home!

BRCC Blueprint to Success

Blue Ridge Color Company is a company that hires and trains people to put forth a strong initiative to do what is right every day, every minute. We truly care about the customer’s success. We truly care about our success, both personally and professionally. We will be the best supplier and never stop becoming better.

Blue Print to Success

We will sweat the small stuff. We will not be driven by our competition but instead, be driven by the willingness to help our customers and ourselves be the best they and we can be. Our consistency will be unparalleled to our competition. We will obliterate complacency and will swim in our own current and not let the negative surroundings influence our business strategies. Things will be simple, though not to be mistaken with easy! We will be pioneers and innovators and not follow others.

We will be a company to educate ourselves to whatever industry we are in. We will be respectful to others and our environment. We will help all those around us that want to help themselves.

Get better at managing your bodyshop

Get in touch with our Business Development team for an assessment and advice on how you could be more profitable